Visual artists were Christians who, over time, have shaped cultural, spiritual and aesthetic landscapes. They haven’t just contributed to religious domains, but to the world of art in general, in many different artistic genres and expressions. From early church frescoes to contemporary installations that go against all convention, Christian artists have long tried to achieve transcendence and truth in their art. Such striving, and sometimes this obsession with theology, humanity and faith as a puzzle, has been what makes their work so enduring across time and culture.
The visual arts were an important medium for Christian discourse, especially in the medieval period, when literacy was low and images were the chief means of transmission of sacred messages. Eastern Orthodox iconography and Gothic cathedral windows show powerful ways in which artists translated deep theological principles into visual language. They were not ornaments; they were vessels of worship, prayer and instruction, the creation of a shared experience of Christian teaching and the bible.
In the Middle Ages, the church was the sole funder of the arts, commissioned great cathedrals, sculptures and stained-glass windows. These were not just buildings, they were liturgical tracts in stone and flame. Stained-glass windows, especially, broadcast the Bible to largely non-literate congregations, using light itself as a means of divine education. The Gothic, its great arches and carved details, communicated God’s divinity and power.
In the Renaissance, Christian visual artists re-established what it means to be artistic: Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and Raphael. Renaissance artists married humanist values with religious themes and played with the relationship between divine and human. Michelangelo’s ceiling at the Sistine Chapel illustrates this perfectly, in that it shows how vast God’s creation was, and how human beings fit into it. And so, too, was a new emphasis on realist authenticity and anatomical precision, on the incarnation of Christ as fully divine and fully human.
The place of the visual arts in Christianity changed dramatically with the Reformation, especially in Protestant countries. Iconoclasm arose as Reformers such as Martin Luther and John Calvin called for pictures. But art still continued to depict scripture and engender private prayer. Protestant artists such as Rembrandt made religious scenes about grace and salvation, and usually introspective and emotional.
New risks and new horizons were presented to Christian artists in the contemporary age. The rise of abstract and conceptual art stretched the visual possibilities of religion. Artists like Georges Rouault and Marc Chagall rode this trend, making new uses of modernist artmaking to approach spiritual issues. Their writings were often about the human condition, suffering and salvation, riffing on gospel wisdom as much as they addressed the contemporary conversation of art.
Christians working in the visual arts continued to create in the 20th and 21st centuries by using new media and technologies to get their message across. The internet, photography and mixed-media installations were all tools for tackling religion in a world of flux. These modern texts are often at the crux of issues of social justice, environmental care and human worth, expressing a broader appreciation of the gospel’s message for today.
Christian fascination with the visual arts likewise spread into film, photography and computer games, and the way in which art itself is changing. Today’s Christian artists speak to justice, creation and international solidarity, and they apply their work to urgent social and moral issues. They ask viewers, through installations, photographs and multimedia interventions, to consider the relationships between faith, culture and modernity.
The Christian visionary has not abandoned community or collaboration. : Christian artists can show work and talk to each other about faith and creativity through art groups, galleries and organisations. These platforms inspire collective purpose, wherein artists are challenged to push the limits of culture but never lose their spiritual core.